Big Country Info Big Country Info



(jump to: Credits)

" My mum felt i was just fading away before her eyes. I'm sure she thought i was going to die - the fact that i was still eating was the only thing to hold on to," - Caroline, 13

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.) is also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It affects approximately 150,000 people of all ages in the UK alone, including at least 25,000 schoolchildren.

Symptoms include extreme fatigue (more severe than exhaustion) muscle pain, severe flu-like malaise, concentration and memory difficulties, loss of balance, digestive problems, visual disturbance, migraines, sleep disorders, and mood swings. The symptoms can fluctuate from day to day or hour to hour.

The most severe of all cases are found in teenagers. There is as yet no cure for M.E. but a good proportion of sufferers CAN AND DO RECOVER in time.

Early diagnosis is vital because it allows the sufferer to manage their condition and gives them a better chance of recovery. That is why awareness amongst non sufferers and medical and education professionals is so important. Doctors with experience in M.E. usually recommend prolonged, not total, rest and patients are advised to pace themselves, keeping some energy in reserve to aid the healing process. A healthy diet helps, and some alternative therapies are recommended.

Action for M.E. is a registered medical charity offering support and advise to sufferers and their carers. Now in its 11th year, the charity also works with employers, welfare benefits officials, education and health professional. It runs high profile publicity campaigns to raise awareness of the illness and campaigns to the government for a better deal for people with M.E./Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

For free information send an SAE to:
Action for M.E.
P.O. Box 1302
Somerset BA5 1YE Tel: 01749 670799
A 24-hour recorded information line operates on 0891 122976.
Calls are charged at 50p per minute.




(jump to: Liner Notes)

TRACK 1: One Day to the Next (Big Noise version) featuring Lee Ellis (guitar), Jo Knight (backing vocal), Craig Quayle (keyboards), Bridgitte Rogers (guitar, courtesy of Pelt)
TRACK 2: One Day to the Next (instrumental version) featuring Josh Phillips on piano.
TRACK 3: One Day to the Next (original version)
featuring Mark Brzezicki (drums), Al Hodge (guitar), Josh Phillips (keyboards) members of the children's choir from Launceston County Primary School, Kate Brown, Sharon Howell, Alex Butler (backing vocals).

Vocals on tracks one and three, bass guitar, guitar and backing vocals : Tony Butler

Music and lyrics written by Tony Butler (© Bug Music 1998)
Track 1 recorded at Wobbly Studios, Cornwall
Tracks 2 and 3 recorded at Sawmills Studios, Cornwall
engineered by John Cornfield, mastered by Roger Wake
at Bourberry Wake. Additional mastering, KG Digital Mastering, Devon

THANKS to all those who contributed and made this project possible.

ARTWORK: Rob Carter DESIGN: Rob Carter/Jackie Butler
PHOTOGRAPHY. Savage/Jackie Butler

1. One day to the next - Big Noise version
2. Instrumental version
3. Choir version_

© 1998 GWR
Ⓟ 1998 GWR