2021 BLU-RAY & DVD
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LINER NOTES BY BRUCE WATSON (2005 UK DVD)jump to:(2021 BD & DVD | 2005 UK DVD | US DVD | UK VHS (EMI) | UK VHS (WB) | Netherlands VHS) ) (Germany VHS (Box) | Germany VHS (Clamshell) | On Screen Credits (All)) NOTES ON BY BRUCE WATSON - GUITARIST It was a freezing cold afternoon in January 1985. The flat that I lived in was part of a renovated mill situated in the Brucefield area of Dunfermline. An area notorious for flooding, I had taken the precaution of placing sand bags by the door. This proved futile as the nimbus from Hell that floats permanently above Fife had opened up and the rainwater had seeped into the hall soaking my worn out 'Wilton'. The intercom buzzed loudly in the room and woke me up. It was Geoff. (Geoff, who the hell is Geoff? I don't know anyone called Geoff) Geoff Emerick was best known as the long time engineer at Abbey Road Studios, where he worked on classic Beatles recordings from 'Revolver' onwards with George Martin. I ushered Geoff and his partner into the house for some hot coffee and a dry patch. I had received a message the day before on my answer-phone that Geoff 'unrecognisable second name' would be arriving at... (then the tape ran out). It was a huge surprise to have the sound engineer for "Sgt Pepper' sitting in my house, his sodden Hush Puppies resembling Tufty the Squirrel and his drowned mate Harry. We waited for the rain to subside then strolled round to Stuart's house which was situated on the other side of the railway tracks. Stuart had just purchased some new hi-tech motorcycle, either a Yamaha or a Honda, can't remember which, but it certainly was a beautiful looking beast. Little did I realise that this was going to be my mode of transport for the next six weeks. The script for the movie had been sent to Stuart the previous week. The front page simply said "Restless Natives' an original screenplay by Ninian Dunnett. Will, with his wart-infected fingers, is in a dead end job sweeping dog shit off the streets for the local corporation. Ronnie works in Hardwick's joke shop selling plastic turds and false tits to all and sundry. Angry mothers whose children have bought itching powder or other nasty substances frequently beat him up in his shop. Disillusioned, they fancy themselves as Rob Roy/Robin Hood characters and resort to highway robbery. Wearing clown and wolfman masks they hold up buses and steal from the rich (American tourists) and give to the poor (themselves and a hamster called Bruce). While they break like the wind across the Scottish Highlands on their shagged out moped, their bizarre series of robberies become the focus of world-wide attention and the media quickly turn them into the biggest tourist attraction since a terrifying long necked beastie popped up for a snifter round Loch Ness. Park Lane studios is situated in the Southside of Glasgow, housed in a converted 19thCentury stable, the studio is situated close by to Queens Park just two miles from the city centre. The complex is run by Rab Andrews who also managed various Glasgow bands including Texas. The journey there and back was a 2-hour round trip. Stuart had complete bikers leathers, full face helmet and protective boots. All I had was a WW2 replica flying jacket, Levis with holes in the knees and Sahara desert boots. As I dismounted the bike my legs were so frozen they stayed in the sitting position for the next few hours. This went on for the next few weeks till I could take it no more and booked myself into a hotel. Geoff and the band worked really well. Both Tony and Mark had done a lot of work with Chris Thomas at Air studios in the past so they were all connected. Geoff is the only person ! have seen make crossfades by splicing 3 foot diagonal cuts in the master tape then glue them back up. Rick Stevenson, (the film's producer) had given us a rough copy of the movie with songs from our first two albums which they used to set the tempo on a few edits in the movie. Stuart had came up with some more music but they weren't keen and suggested we do a couple of soundalike ideas so that the film still had the same flow, hence the song "Home Come The Angels (soundtrack) being a dead ringer for 'Come Back To Me (2nd album track). Another piece was basically a soundalike for 'The Crossing' (early B-side). This was too much of a compromise for us and there was a bit of an atmosphere between the band and Mike Hoffman (the director) for a while. What we didn't realise was that we were bit-players in someone else's project like the actors that we watched everyday on the monitor. I have a great memory of being invited on location to see a few scenes being filmed. Ronnie and Will were to drive through the streets of Wester Hailes throwing money to all the local school children. The twenty pound notes had pictures of Boy George instead of the real Queen on them. Seemingly all the local stores had to keep chasing away all the youngsters who were trying to buy sweeties with them. We never did another soundtrack again which is a shame because I think Big Country's music definitely lends itself to the medium. Overall it was really rewarding and different from the usual process of making records, i.e. we weren't under the pressure of coming up with a hit. Stuart didn't have the extra burden of writing lyrics. Watching Geoff Emerick at the controls was, well, just a dream come true for me. So sit back and enjoy watching two Central Belt Neds tackle the problem of unemployment by turning to highway robbery. Bruce Watson OPTIMUM CLASSIC RESTLESS NATIVES 1985 CANAL IMAGE UK LTD. Design by www.alicitymedia.com ___________________________________________________ |
PRINTED DVD LINER NOTES & CREDITS (2005 UK DVD)jump to:(2021 BD & DVD | Bruce | US DVD | UK VHS (EMI) | UK VHS (WB) | Netherlands VHS) (Germany VHS (Box) | Germany VHS (Clamshell) | On Screen Credits (All)) A FILM BY MICHAEL HOFFMAN VINCENT FRIELL JOE MULLANEY TERI LALLY WITH NED BEATTY RESTLESS NATIVES "ONE OF SCOTLAND'S BEST-LOVED CULT MOVIES” SCOTTISH SUNDAY EXPRESS Ronnie (Joe Mullaney) and Will (Vincent Friell) are two free-wheeling lads living on a housing estate in Edinburgh. Broke and bored, the two decide to politely rob coachloads of tourists travelling through the Highlands for a bit of cash. Donning a wolf and a clown mask and armed with a puffer gun shooting out curry powder, the duo soon become a hit with the tourists and the public alike. As the two follow in the great tradition of Robin Hood and Rob Roy, their exploits make them a tourist attraction bigger than the Loch Ness monster. But not everyone is a fan – the local police are closing in on them, assisted by a vacationing CIA agent (Ned Beatty- Deliverance, Network). Featuring an infectious soundtrack by Big Country and stunning Highlands scenery, this much-loved and, until now, much-missed film is a thoroughly enjoyable gem. EXTRAS INTRODUCING VINCENT FRIELL JOE MULLANEY TERI LALLY WITH NED BEATTY RESTLESS NATIVES BERNARD HILL ROBERT URQUHART SPECIAL APPEARANCES BY BRYAN FORBES KENNETH NEWMAN MEL SMTH CO=PRODUCER ANDY PATERSON ASSOCIATE PRODUCER PADDY HIGSON SCREENPLAY BY NINIAN DUNNETT EXECUTIVE PRODUCER MARK BENTLEY MUSIC BY BIG COUNTRY DIRECTED BY MICHAEL HOFFMAN PRODUCED BY RICK STEVENSON AN OXFORD FILM COMPANY PRODUCTION IN ASSOCIATION WITH THORN EMI SCREEN ENTERTAINMENT Feature Running Time: 86 mins approx FOR NEWS, OFFERS AND INFORMATION ON OUR FORTHCOMING RELEASES AND CATALOGUE OF OVER 200 TITLES, CHECK OUT: RESTLESS NATIVES © 1985 CANAL+ IMAGE UK LTD, Sleeve art www.allcitymedia.com PARENTAL GUIDANCE Contains mild language, OPTD0131 ___________________________________________________ |
PRINTED DVD LINER NOTES & CREDITS (US DVD)jump to:(2021 BD & DVD | Bruce | 2005 UK DVD | UK VHS (EMI) | UK VHS (WB) | Netherlands VHS) (Germany VHS (Box) | Germany VHS (Clamshell) | On Screen Credits (All))
Scotland's Directed by MICHAEL HOFFMAN LIONSGATE PROOF OF PURCHASE They're bigger than the Loch Ness Monster! A British comedy about two young Scots who turn their dreams of "hitting the big time" into reality. When they take to robbing tourists in the Highlands like the legendary bandits of old, their exploits turn them into national heroes. However, their plans are seriously threatened as the police gradually close in on them. But their luck hasn't run out yet... DVD FEATURES* • 16x9 Widescreen • Dolby Monaural Audio • English Closed Captioning English and Spanish Subtitles Not rated 1985 • Color • Feature Run Time Approx. 90 Minutes Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Program Content and Package Artwork: © 1985 Canal+ Image UK Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Package Design and Summary: © MMVII Lions Gate Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Lionsgate, 2700 Colorado Avenue, Santa Monica California 90404. www.lionsgate.com Printed in U.S.A. 16x9 STUDIO CANAL
---------- REWARD RESTLESS NATIVES ___________________________________________________ |
PRINTED VHS CREDITS (THORN EMI RELEASES)jump to:(2021 BD & DVD | Bruce | 2005 UK DVD | US DVD | UK VHS (WB) | Netherlands VHS ) (Germany VHS (Box) | (Germany VHS (Clamshell) | On Screen Credits (All)) THORN EMI Screen Entertainment RESTLESS NATIVES Scotland's most notorious public enemies since Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid THORN EMI Screen Entertainment WANTED! CLOWN WOLFMAN Aggravated assault, threatening behaviour, riding without crash helmets, hijacking and armed robbery on the citizens of 27 nations. REWARD © MCMLXXXV THORN EMI Screen Entertainment Limited. All Rights Reserved 85 MINS PARENTAL GUIDANCE ___________________________________________________ |
PRINTED VHS CREDITS (WARNER BROTHERS RELEASE)jump to:(2021 BD & DVD | Bruce | 2005 UK DVD | US DVD | UK VHS (EMI)| Netherlands VHS ) (Germany VHS (Box) | Germany VHS (Clamshell) | On Screen Credits (All)) Scotland's most notorious public enemies since Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid. Two Edinburgh youths embark on a series of highway robberies and become the most notorious public enemies since Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Dressed as a clown and a wolfman, and armed with sneezing powder, these Scottish Robin Hoods hold up tourist coaches and give the cash to the needy attaining heroic status at both the local and international level. THORN EMI Screen Entertainment presents "RESTLESS NATIVES” WARNER HOME VIDEO PG Package Design © 1988 Warner Home Video. Warning. The copyright proprietor has licensed the film (including its soundtrack) comprised in this video cassette for home use only. All other rights are reserved. The definition of home use excludes the use of this video cassette at locations such as clubs, coaches, hospitals, hotels, oil rigs, prisons and schools. Any unauthorised copying, editing, exhibition, renting, exchanging, hiring, lending, public performance diffusion/and/or broadcast of this video cassette or any part thereof is strictly prohibited and any such action establishes liability for a civil action and may give rise to criminal prosecution. This video cassette is sold/hired on the condition that it is not to be sold hired, exported, re-supplied or distributed by way of trade outside the EEC without a proper licence from Warner Home Video Inc. PRINTED IN THE UK WEINTRAUB ENTERTAINMENT GROUP PES 38023 ___________________________________________________ |
PRINTED VHS CREDITS (NETHERLANDS RELEASE)jump to:(2021 BD & DVD | Bruce | 2005 UK DVD | US DVD | UK VHS (EMI) | UK VHS (WB)) (Germany VHS (Box) | Germany VHS (Clamshell) | On Screen Credits (All)) CANNON Ze zijn bekender dan het monster van Loch Ness Restless Natives MUSIC BY BIG COUNTRY Schotlands beruchtste staatsvijanden sinds Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid VHS 90 39182 Restless Natives Ze zijn bekender dan het monster van Loch Ness CLOWN WOLFMAN Aggravated assault, threatening behaviour, riding without crash helmets, hijacking and armed robbery on the citizens of 27 nations. HOGE BELONING Een komedie waarin twee jonge Schotten hun dagdromen om het helemaal te maken verwezenlijken. Als twee moderne Robin Hood's beroven zij toeristen in de Schotse Hooglanden en groeien ze uit tot nationale helden. Hun plannen worden echter bedreigd als de politie hen op het spoor komt. Over het nodige geluk hebben ze vervolgens echter niet te klagen. THORN EMI Screen Entertainment presenteert "RESTLESS NATIVES” met VINCENT FRIELL, JOE MULLANEY, TERI LALLY, NED BEATTY, BERNARD HILL, ROBERT URQUHART. Speciaal optreden van BRYAN FORBES, NANETTE NEWMAN, MEL SMITH. Mede producent ANDY PATERSON, assistent producent PADDY MIGSON. Scenario NINIAN DUNNETT, uitvoerend producent MARK BENTLEY. Muziek BIG COUNTRY, regie MICHAEL HOFFMAN. Produktie RICK STEVENSON. Ⓟ Een Oxford Fil Company PAL Colour 85 mins. VHS THORN EMI VIDEO © 1986 - Printed in Holland by EMI Services Benelux B.V. Uden © copyright mcmlxxxv THORN EMI Screen Entertainment Limited All rights reserved ___________________________________________________
PRINTED VHS CREDITS (GERMANY BOX RELEASE)jump to:(2021 BD & DVD | Bruce | 2005 UK DVD | US DVD | UK VHS (EMI) | UK VHS (WB)) ( Netherlands VHS | Germany VHS (Clamshell) | On Screen Credits (All)) Touristenfalle Die Bullen sind geschockt. United Video Touristenfalle Ronnie, die kleine Angestellte aus dem Scherzartikelladen, und Will, der Straßenkehrer, haben die Idee: Maskiert als Clown und Werwolf blasen sie zur tolldreisten Touristenjagd in den schottischen Highlands. Die Bullen sind geschockt, die Opfer amüsiert. Und die Räuber schon zu Lebzeiten Legende. Regie: MICHAEL HOFFMAN Farbfilm - Laufzeit: 86 Minuten ACHTUNG: Das Programm (Bild und Ton) auf dieser Kaufkassette ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Die Kaufkassette darf nur privat vorgeführt werden. Jede nicht private Wiedergabe (z. B. öffentliche Aufführung, Sendung oder sonstige Darbietung) und Vervielfältigung (z. B. Überspielen auf Leerkassetten) ist ohne vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung des (der) unten bezeichneten Urheberrechtsinhaber(s) untersagt. Zuwiderhandlungen werden zivil- und strafrechtlich verfolgt. Bei dieser Kaufkassette handelt es sich um eine Originalkaufkassette der Firma AVU-Video-Vertriebs GmbH Kusel und nicht um eine illegale Kopie. Jede Beschädigung, Veränderung oder Nachdruck des Titels ist als Urkundenfälschung strafbar. © AVU-Video-Vertriebs GmbH, a Remigiusbergstraße 7, 6798 Kusel. © CANNON/VMP, Video Medien Pool GmbH, Munich. United Video ___________________________________________________ |
PRINTED VHS CREDITS (GERMANY ‘CLAMSHELL’ RELEASE)jump to:(2021 BD & DVD | Bruce | 2005 UK DVD | US DVD | UK VHS (EMI) | UK VHS (WB)) (Netherlands VHS | Germany VHS (Box) | On Screen Credits (All)) Touristenfalle pro2-, Kalendertag Die Bullen sind geschockt. Die Opfer amüsiert. Und die Räuber Legende. Knepper
Touristenfalle Was tun, wenn der Job einen nicht ausfüllt und die Kohle gerade zum Leben reicht? Ronnie, der kleine Angestellte aus dem Scherzartikel-Laden, und Will, der Straßenkehrer, haben die Idee: Maskiert als Clown und Werwolf, blasen sie zur tolldreisten Touristenjagd in den schottischen Highlands. Die Bullen sind geschockt, die Opfer amüsiert. Und die Räuber schon zu Lebzeiten Legende. Credits: Restless Natives. Darsteller: NED BEATTY: BERNARD HILL. ROBERT URQUHART BRYAN FORBES.NANETTE NEWMAN.MEL SMITH VINCENT FRIELL-JOE MULLANEY.TERI LALLY Drehbuch: NINIAN DUNNETT. Regie: MICHAEL HOFFMAN Produzent: RICK STEVENSON. ©: CANNON Screen Entertainment, 1985.Ⓟ: CANNON/ VMP, 1988. Laufzeit: 86 Minuten Video-Copyright © by CANNON/VMP VMP Video Medien Pool GmbH, Munich, West Germany Alle Urheber-, Hersteller- und Leistungsschutzrechte vorbehalten. Keine unerlaubte Vervielfältigung. Nur zum persönlichen bestimmungsgemäßen Gebrauch durch den Mieter bzw. Käufer. Jede andere Nutzung ist unzulässig, insbesondere die Weitergabe an Dritte. Freigegeben CANNON/VMP. Taunusstraße 51 · 8000 München 40 ___________________________________________________
ON SCREEN CREDITSjump to:(2021 BD & DVD | Bruce | 2005 UK DVD | US DVD | UK VHS (EMI) | UK VHS (WB) ( Netherlands VHS | Germany VHS (Box) | Germany VHS (Clamshell)) [ADDITIONAL ON SCREEN NOTES FOR 2021 RELEASES ONLY] The copyright Proprietor has licensed this Blu-ray [DVD in DVD release] (including its soundtrack) for private home use only and prohibits any other use, copying, reproduction or performance in public, in whole or in part
Please note that this film reflects historical atitudes which audiences may find outdated or offensive. STUDIO CANAL THORN EMI THORN EMI Screen Entertainment Ltd An Oxford Film Company Production RESTLESS {CLOSING CREDITS} Directed by Written by Starring NED BEATTY Special Appearances by Music Composed by Arranged and Performed by Executive Producer Co-Producer Associate Producer Script Editor Director of Photography Editor Casting Director Production Designer MADE IN ASSOCIATION WITH CAST
Soundtrack available on Mercury/Polygram WITH SPECIAL THANKS TO Verity Lambert Beryl Vertue Lloyds Bank "Restless Natives" was the 1984 winner of the Air Transportation provided by Coaches provided by Video Equipment provided by Production Computer and Software provided by THE PRODUCERS WISH TO ACKNOWLEDGE The people of Lochgoilhead, Fort William Titles and Opticals by Sound Re-recorded at Electrical Equipment supplied by Camera Equipment supplied by Grip Equipment supplied by Caterers J & J Plant Hire Colour by TECHNICOLOR Made on location in Edinburgh, Glasgow